Sunday, July 26, 2009

Huawei product flooded in Indonesia market

As a new comer in the CDMA platform, Bakrie telecom has decided to launch CDMA mobile telecommunication gadgets that have low cost but good quality. To realize this idea, Bakrie Telecom makes a deal with Huawei as a partner to provide all requirements. This dealing have benefit to both side, Huawei is a new player in the gadget market, this is a good chance for them to expand their products, as we know they have succeed with mobile telecommunication infrastructures. The demand for this infrastructure is increasing significant especially in the South Asia market. Meanwhile for Bakrie Telecom, this agreement will increase customers demand due their mobile numbers have been bundled in this low cost gadgets. It is very difficult for new mobile telecommunication provider in Indonesia to get significant customers since there are around ten providers offered the same services. In this competition, low cost tariff have an important role, almost all providers is offering this scenario.

The idea to bundle the gadget and the numbers will more attractive from the customers view. Right now there more then one million Huawei gadgets have been in the Indonesia market. There more then one types of gadgets are available and variety of services provided by Bakrie Telecom to have more attractive.

Despite of low cost Bakrie Telecom are offering some benefits in this gadget, they are;

1. Free call between Bakrie telecom numbers (on network) for six months or more
2. Free SMS between Bakrie Telecom numbers (on net) and
3. Value added services indeed.
As was expected, Indonesian market responded well to this offering, in the short time.

These are Huawei Gadget series that have been in the Indonesia market

1. Huawei series C2802
Bakrie Telecom products was embedded in this gadgets are ESIA Hidayah, ESIA Kasih, ESIS FU and Bali Phone

2. Huawei series C2807
Bakrie Telecom products was embedded in this gadgets is ESIA Slank

3. Huawei series C2605
Bakrie Telecom products was embedded in this gadgets is ESIA Kilau warna

This strategy is soon followed by competitors. Nokia as the highest gadget provider in Indonesia is following this strategy by made a deal with others mobile telecommunication providers, e.g., Telkomsel and Xl to do the same.


  1. wah backri telecom lg, sukses ja dech

  2. memang yang murah banyak diincer orang, tapi pengennya jangan asal murah tapi kualitas jeblok, kalo hasilnya gitu mending pertahankan harga tapi kualitas tetap no satu untuk dirasakan oleh pelanggan

  3. Saya gaptek soal gadget. hp aja jadul hehehe kacian dech...

  4. Huawei marketing team knew well if indonesia with million people is a delicious marketing target

  5. I don't know much about this stuffs sobb, I guess, this posting is great and great.......Keep blogging..

  6. sukses orang Indonesia jadi pengusaha di negeri sendiri baguslah
