Saturday, May 1, 2010

3G iPad lands in USA

IPad tablet computers that already have the ability to connect 3G + Wifi, finally released simultaneously by Apple in the Apple Store in the continental United States.

From the monitoring detikINET at Apple Store Fifth Avenue, New York, United States, Friday afternoon (4/30/2010), advanced products from iPad WiFi only version of this can already be bought by enthusiasts who lined up since 17:00 am local time.

"Almost all the visitors who come to buy a 3G iPad. But many also come just to buy a WiFi version, as well as other Apple products like the Macbook and the iPhone," said Vince, one of the officers at the Apple Store in New York to detikINET.

According to him, iPad is spelled phenomenal because it could be sold over a million units in just three weeks across the United States. "It's not even a month," said Vince iPad commented on the sale of non-3G version which could run out of stock.

Back to the iPad 3G, products that are available with three memory options of this product is bundled by Apple with the output data packet cellular operator AT & T. This product is marketed with prices ranging from U.S. $ 699 for 16 GB capacity, U.S. $ 799 for 32 GB, and U.S. $ 899 for 64 GB.

Price does not include tax. Every Apple Store impose any tax which varies for each product iPad or accessories. In Orlando, Florida, tax is charged at 6.5%. While in New York, the tax is 8.875%.(detiknet)


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