Saturday, July 4, 2009

Main service of telecommunication business

What is the main service of telecommunication business? Actually telecommunication operators offer the same product to their customers. They promote the same service to their customers and hope new customers will be interested to them once they offered the more interesting service compared to the competitor. The same product and service they offered to customers is called prepaid tariff. All telecommunication operators campaign new products, services and brands by integrating prepaid tariff. Basically telecommunication operators assign a certainty tariff in order to maintain the customers and try to reach new customers by modifying a tariff of prepaid phone number. In the simple word, telecommunication operators provided prepaid phone number packages and giving it an attractive packages in order to you interest to buy a new phone number.
How they offer a prepaid tariff so then you interest to buy? Usually telecommunication operators give several benefits to customers once they buy new phone number. Moreover each time they will launch and promote a new product or service, usually they bundled it to the new phone numbers so then we have to buy it to have its new product and service. The most familiar that telecommunication used to be offered to customers is giving free call, free SMS and free internet accessing for amount of bytes or for assigned period. By giving free call for example to make a call to own network (same operators) or free to make a call during low traffic (00.00 to 06.00 AM), customer will be very happy and keep their phone number and once the have no balance to make a call they will be happy also to buy and reload a voucher. The same case happened to free SMS and internet accessing, once customers noticed that there are many benefits to keep their phone number in active status, they will keep their phone number have sufficient balance and try to reload to keep in active status
The key point is how telecommunication operators achieve as much as revenue by selling as many as vouchers to their customers. Optimizing prepaid phone numbers almost becoming a first choice for telecommunication operators. This choice is reasonable since prepaid is more simple than postpaid phone numbers. In customer’s opinion, it is fine to have prepaid phone number rather postpaid one. It is easy to buy a new prepaid number and it is very simple to buy a voucher once we need to reload. Customers also can change their phone number with new one once they forgot to reload and got expired status just by buying the new phone numbers easily. Prepaid vouchers are available at anywhere either physic or electric one and customers can buy it at anywhere and anytime they want. In the simple word, by having prepaid phone numbers, customers control it whether they want to reload or they want to disconnect and buy the new one or migrate to the competitor’s phone numbers
Telkomsel, XL, Indosat, Bakrie Telecom and others telecommunication operators are utilize prepaid product to get as many as customers by offering as many as interesting packages. They offer many benefits for old and candidate prepaid customers once they want to launch new product and service
You will not find the same promotion to the postpaid customers. You will not find that postpaid customers receive free call, SMS and internet access. If you find, it is only a limited offering


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